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Therapeutic treatments

Underwater Massage
20 min.
27.00 €
Underwater massage is performed with a strong jet of water while lying down in a special bath. Warm water helps to relax the muscles and tissues. All this reduces muscle tension during the massage increasing its effectiveness. The procedure improves blood circulation, oxygenation of the subcutaneous tissue, metabolism, increases joint flexibility, movements are carried out freely and the lost functions are restores more easily and quickly. Underwater massage is recommended for treatment of spinal disorders and joint diseases, peripheral nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases and is also used to mitigate the morbidity after injuries.

This warm and relaxing bath containing wild berries extract enriches the skin with vitamins and various trace elements, protects it against free radical damage. Protein, collagen and fatty acids contained in the milk stimulate skin cell regeneration, moisturise and nourish the skin. Gentle wild berry aroma soothes and improves mood.

Milk and Honey Bath
15 min.
17.00 €
Active ingredients found in mare's milk and honey extract improve skin regeneration, making it firm and radiant. The soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of mare's milk is particularly effective in calming irritated skin and treating inflammatory conditions. This bath relieves tension, pampers the body and excites senses.

Reduce stress and restore your spiritual balance. Lavender bath has a soothing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect. This treatment improves blood circulation and stimulates metabolism, increases absorption of oxygen, relieves pain and reduces stress symptoms, strengthens immunity, pleasantly relaxes and improves quality of sleep. Lavender oil is suitable for all skin types, but it has the best effect on oily skin, as it regulates sebaceous gland secretions, disinfects and heals acne. Breathing lavender vapour also helps to cure respiratory illnesses.

Essential oils contained in Melissa extract feature a strong aroma-therapeutic effect, they intensify the overall soothing effect that the air bubble bath has on the central nervous system, reduce inflammation, allergy and improve sleep. The bath is recommended for people suffering from migraine, skin diseases and functional circulatory, respiratory and digestive system disorders caused by chronic stress. 
Pine extract foot bath
15 min.
11.00 €
White Turpentine Bath
15 min.
17.00 €
Turpentine is a powerful chemical stimulus that challenges reflex changes in the body's physiological systems, improving microcirculation and metabolism. Turpentine emulsion stimulates the central nervous system, improves peripheral circulation, improves the functioning of internal organs and suppresses inflammation. This bath is recommended to patients with chronic respiratory diseases and peripheral artery disease, suffering from inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine and joints.  Bath has intense effect and may increase blood pressure.
Juniper extract is made from juniper needles, shoots and cones; it contains biologically active substances, essential oils, resins, tanning substances, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals. The extract has strong antiseptic properties, it stimulates blood circulation and improves metabolism due to its strong sensitization effect. It is used to remove excess salt and slag from the body, increase skin elasticity, relieve pain in the joints and treat respiratory diseases.
Pine extract is made from pine needles and buds, it has antiseptic properties and strong aroma-therapeutic effect. The extract causes pleasant sensations and triggers positive emotions, tones up and strengthens the whole body's reaction to the general effect of this bath filled with air bubbles. The bath is recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure, spine and joint pain, fatigue and stress.  
Iodine-Bromine Bath
15 min.
17.00 €
Iodine and bromine ions are absorbed through intact skin into the internal environment of the body, slowing down the cartilage degeneration processes and reducing inflammation. Iodine and bromine bath has a positive overall effect, improves the coronary and cerebral blood flow, regulates blood pressure (effectively reduces the increased diastolic blood pressure), improves transport of lipid and cholesterol, features anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This bath is recommended for treatment of the musculoskeletal system diseases, circulatory disorders, central nervous system diseases, disorders of the endocrine system and skin conditions. The procedure features a strong calming effect.
Paraffin traps the heat, does not evaporate, gets stiff quickly and acts as thermal insulator in the area of application. The heat from paraffin is transferred to the tissues, skin temperature rises and cutaneous blood flow increases, oxygenation and metabolism in tissues improves, the muscles relax and pain is relieved, joint flexibility improves, the skin becomes better moisturised, softer and supple. This treatment is used in relieving the minor joint pain and reducing the inflammation, improving the peripheral circulation and skin condition.
Paraffin effectively retains the heat, does not steam, solidifies fast forming a heat-proof layer.  Heat transfers from the paraffin into the tissues thus increasing the skin temperature and the circulation of the affected area , oxygen supply to the tissues and their metabolism, muscle relaxation, pain relief, joint mobility, hydratation, softness and elasticity of the skin. It is prescribed for relieving pain of small joints and  minimising inflammations  and improving peripheral circulation and skin texture.

Mineral sea salt is obtained from sea water by natural evaporation. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, as well as other trace elements and minerals required for human body. Sea salt is a natural antiseptic that kills bacteria, disinfects the skin and suppresses inflammation.

Substances contained in pine extract have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties, they boost the immune system, inhibit inflammation and reduce pain. Through evaporation and strong odour pine essential oil passes the respiratory tract and thus directly affects the central nervous system; it relaxes, soothes, helps to overcome fatigue and stress, restores spiritual balance, enhances the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of sea salt.

This treatment improves blood circulation in tissues and organs, stimulates metabolism, relaxes tense muscles, relieves pain, stimulates resorption of inflammatory foci, enhances regeneration of skin tissue, enriches your skin with micro and macro elements, moisturises and stimulates the skin improving its elasticity. This application is recommended for the treatment of injuries and diseases in the body's support and movement apparatus (joints, spine, muscles and ligaments).

Application of Sapropelic
20 min.
18.00 €
Sapropelic mud is a type of sapropel that is formed in freshwater lakes. It contains a wide variety of trace elements (iron, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt etc.), vitamins, amino acids and other biologically active substances. Sapropelic mud has the ability to normalize various pathological changes in the body functions, it improves blood circulation in tissues and organs, boosts metabolism and immune health, relieves pain, stimulates the resorption of inflammatory foci and functioning of endocrine glands. Moreover, it moisturises the skin and protects it from drying and ageing. This application is recommended for treatment of locomotor and musculoskeletal system (joints, spine, muscles and ligaments) disorders, gastrointestinal tract diseases, skin conditions, gynaecological, urological and peripheral nervous system diseases.
Ginger essential oil is extracted by means of steam distillation from the ground-up root (rhizome) of ginger plant. It is a great aphrodisiac, characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger oil features warming qualities and has the ability to effectively reduce spasms, aid digestion and improve the metabolism. This essential oil boosts the immune system and facilitates the rehabilitation period after a disease, variety of injuries or surgeries
Lemon essential oil is widely used in the treatment of cellulite, because it effectively stimulates the blood flow and lymphatic circulation, elimination of fluids, varnishes and toxins from the body, production of collagen in the skin cells.  The treatment reduces the "Orange Peel" effect, tightens and moisturises the skin, helps to shape the body.
Curative mud improves blood circulation in the tissues and organs, stimulates the endocrine glands and metabolic processes, reduces pain in the joints, ligaments, back and spine, has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves pain. Even topical applications of mud (compresses) have a strong effect on the entire body: they cause the regulatory system to respond in a complex way thus boosting the immune health, and activate the self-healing mechanism. Curative peat compresses are recommended for treatment of chronic joint disorders, gynaecological, urological, peripheral nervous system and other diseases.
Aerosol therapy has a general and topical effect. Inhalations help to improve and even normalize the barrier function of the ciliated epithelial cells, inhibit inflammatory and allergic tissue reactions, improve the smooth muscle tone in the bronchioles and external respiration. Furthermore, it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and cardiovascular activity. This treatment is recommended for treatment of airway inflammation, as well as for patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Pine extract has antiseptic properties and lavender oil soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves cough. This treatment is recommended for treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections.
Propolis is a biologically active product. It is rich in vitamins, trace elements, essential amino acids, enzymes and minerals. Propolis has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune stimulant, disinfecting properties. It fights bacteria and viruses thus reducing inflammation and soothing sore throat, is efficient in treating respiratory infections and colds, disinfects the oral cavity, stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates healing of mouth ulcers and parodontosis. The treatment is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to improve the condition of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the mouth.
Calendula preparations have a soothing, antispasmodic, antiseptic and inflammation-inhibiting properties. After the treatment, drainage of secretions from the bronchial airways improves and cough becomes less severe. The treatment is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Breathing is uncontrollable physiological process and just a few people can be proud of ability to control their breathing.

Breathing is the most important body’s function, as we can survive without oxygen just for s few minutes and a lack of oxygen has a negative effect on all body’s functions.

Treatment “Power of breathing” improves body’s immunity to the shortage of oxygen, trains muscles, which take part in breathing function, restores a natural breathing mechanism.

Regular fixed physical exercising (walking, jogging, games and different physical exercises) is important to restore proper breathing.

Proper breathing improves heart and blood vessels work, maintains the balance of nervous processes, improves digestion, boosts body’s immunity to the shortage of oxygen, reduces anxiety and stress, insomnia and fatigue.

One or several tests are performed during the treatment: determination of the chest excursion, Stange-Henge test breath stopping after breathing out test, setting the index of body’s immunity to the shortage of oxygen (according to Dineika’s method), functional diagram’s evaluation (according to the French osteopathy school).

After the performed testing a complex of exercises is chosen: K. Dineika, A. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, basis of Tabata protocol and special breathing positions to restore diaphragm work.

Individual Kinesiotherapy
30 min.
29.00 €
Individual kinesiotherapy is one of the main means of rehabilitation based on the fact that proper, personalized body movements help to renew, improve and maintain the functional state of bones and muscles, cardiovascular or other systems. Appropriate range of motion and performance rate normalizes muscle tone, improves joint mobility and elasticity of tendons and ligaments, coordination. Systematic individual kinesiotherapy sessions reduce the pain, improve the adaptability of the organism, normalize metabolism, help to restore the decreased post-traumatic or postoperative range of motion and function. The modern Dr Wolff back and joint flexibility training system "Get Flexible" may be applied during the procedure. This system concentrates on training and stretching abdominal muscle chain and hip flexor muscles. Upon the assessment of individual needs the RED CORD therapeutic equipment may be used. The concept of this equipment is based on the hanging of the whole body or individual body parts, what allows to assess the weak parts in the patient's muscles and assists in performing the exercises to increase the range of motion or train the muscles.
Identification of the problem; presentation of therapy plan; composition of therapeutic exercise programme.

Individual kinesitherapy session is with chief kinesitherapist Valdas Tautkus. Individual kinesitherapy is one of the main rehabilitation forms, based on the fact that an adquate, tailor-made body movement helps  renew, improve and maintain musculoskeletal, cardiovascular  and other system functioning status. Adequate movement amplitudes and exercise pace controls muscle tone, joint mobility, tendon and ligament elasticity, coordination. The benefits of systematical individual kinesitherapy sessions are: decreasing pain, improving adaptive body properties, controling metabolism, restoring decreased movement amplitudes after traumas or surgeries. If necessary RED CORD therapeutic equipment is used which is a method based on leveraging body or separate parts of the body  weight concept allowing to locate weak links of the muscle power and helping  perform exercises designed to increase joint movement amplitudes or train muscles.  

Occupational Therapy
30 min.
19.00 €
Occupational therapy is an active physical therapy method, where the patient is treated in an activity. The therapy is focused on recovery of the patient's physical, mental, social and work skills. It is selected depending on the nature of the disease, the patient's physical and mental condition. The procedure stimulates physiological processes, improves trophic condition and functions of various body systems and organs, develops motor skills and will, teaches focusing methods, increases the overall tone of the body and self-confidence.
Aqua physiotherapy
30 min.
22.00 €
Aqua physiotherapy is a type therapeutic water gymnastics that combines two natural biological factors: water and movement. Special set of personally selected exercises performed in a water of comfortable temperature improves blood circulation, reduces muscle stiffness and pain. Mechanical pressure of water reduces the impact of body weight on joints, slows down the rate of decrease in bone density, stimulates the endocrine system. The biological effect reduces muscle tone and the pleasant warm environment creates a sense of lightness, freedom, self-confidence and faith in healing. The complex effect of water and physical therapy is useful in treatment of degenerative inflammatory spine and joints diseases as well as in patients with post-traumatic syndromes. 
Exercising in water joins two natural biological factors – exercising and water. Treatments in water affect human body in many different and complicated ways. It affects one’s body mechanically and with its temperature. One of the most beneficial water characteristics to a person and his health is an ability to float. When a person dives into water his body weight decreases, thus joints are not so loaded and such surrounding makes a person to perform different movements without putting a lot of efforts and without any pain. Movements in water help to restore body’s functions, strengthen muscles and restore flexibility. Besides, exercises in water not only treat but also train the body, promote one’s tolerance to physical exertion, boost metabolism and blood circulation, reduce tension and stress, uplift one’s mood and help one to stay fit. Activity of all systems is promoted, pain is reduced, muscule flexibility, stamina and balance are boosted. Therapeutic exercising  is suitable for people, who suffer from different health problems, and those who are healthy. This treatment is particularly perfect for those, suffering from spine and joint problems, after traumas and for overweight people. 
Thereapeutic exercising in water is efficient and effective way to stay healthy and energetic with your body and soul.
Morning Exercise
30 min.
10.00 €
Morning exercise is a group activity for an easy body tone up. The aim of the exercise is to induce the mobility of joints and elasticity of tendons and ligaments, improve muscle tone, activate the respiratory function and the cardiovascular system. It helps to normalize the blood pressure and prepares the body to physical load and mental work. Morning exercises are performed not earlier than 15 minutes after waking up, the pace is slow. During the session it is important not to focus on the physical senses entirely, but also to try and achieve the spiritual harmony, psychological balance and peace of mind. 
Group kinesiotherapy is aimed at the stimulation of restorative body reactions, because proper motion generates the energy that causes the body to respond in a positive way. Special exercises improve function of the injured body part and develop compensatory mechanisms. The main areas of focus during the kinesiotherapy sessions are support and balance function, muscle strength, joint mobility. Group activity reinforces the sense of unity and trust, it helps to strengthen the whole body and develop both static and dynamic movement function. In order to restore the impaired function or prevent the disorder, this treatment is aimed at developing the muscle strength, limb agility and flexibility, coordination and overall endurance.
Group kinesiotherapy is aimed at the stimulation of restorative body reactions, because proper motion generates the energy that causes the body to respond in a positive way. Special exercises improve function of the injured body part and develop compensatory mechanisms. Group activity reinforces the sense of unity and trust, it helps to strengthen the whole body and improve the range of motion of the upper limb. In order to restore the impaired function or prevent the disorder, this treatment is aimed at developing the muscle strength, limb agility and flexibility, coordination and overall endurance.
Group kinesiotherapy is an organized form of movement and exercise is the most potent physiological stimulus, which intensifies the heart rate and increases oxygen consumption. The neural and humoral effect during the exercise decreases the coronary vascular tone and activates the coronary circulation and metabolism in the heart muscle. Nutrients are absorbed more efficiently, they accumulate in the heart muscle in larger quantities. Physical activity relieves nervous tension, decreases the risk of thromboembolism, hypostatic pneumonia and intestinal atony, reduces cardiovascular sensitivity to orthostatic effects. The patient is taught to relax the muscles, learns the diaphragmatic breathing exercises and basics of the dosed exercise. Group kinesiotherapy is aimed at the adaptation of circulatory, respiratory and cardiac function to physical activity.
Group sessions are aimed at reducing the back pain, strengthening the muscles that enable to maintain a proper posture, increasing the overall physical activity and improving the walking gait. During the sessions various strength-building and stretching exercises are performed to ensure the stability of the spine, improving its adaptation to workload. Workouts include both preventative and physical exercises, as well as activities that improve the condition of the spine in degenerative changes and in patients with orthopaedic and peripheral nervous system diseases. Kinesiotherapy sessions are focused at development of the overall endurance, balance and coordination, reduction of muscle hypertonia and strengthening the abdominal muscles.
The main task of the respiratory system is to provide body cells and tisssues with sufficient amount of oxygen in time and remove carbon dioxide from them. After infections it is very important for a body to get enough oxygen and not to have a decrease in lung capacity.Therapeutic exercises are used to restore the functions of the respiratory system. Regular performance of intercostal muscles, diaphragm and breathing exercises improves lung function, strengthens the vascular system, improves work capacity and the general condition of the body. Therapeutic exercises after the Covid-19 infection are focused on strengthening muscles, strengthening chest excursion, increasing diaphragm work as well as restoring other affected body functions.
Point foot massage is a pleasant way to relax and an effective way to improve health. Stimulates the most important points of the feet, improves blood circulation, relieves tension in the leg muscles. 
After the treatment you will feel lightness and improved well-being!
Ultrasound Therapy
5 min.
9.00 €
Ultrasound procedure causes very complex physical and chemical processes in the tissues. The procedure improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, pain, swelling, muscle spasms, stimulates regeneration, softens and smoothes out the scars. Ultrasound therapy is used in patients with degenerative spine and joint diseases, delayed bone healing after fracture, if the patient has any scars, contractures, ligament sprains and inflammation, as well as after gynaecological and orthopaedic surgeries.
VITORI® multifunctional therapy is a holistic therapy.
Infrared rays are similar to the heat of the sun, therefore they have a relaxing effect on deep tissues. The heat improves blood circulation, helps eliminate toxins and metabolic waste through sweating.
Magnetic field therapy, also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, is based on the effect of magnetic field pulses of different frequencies and durations. Magnetic field therapy helps the body by improving blood circulation, reducing arthritis, muscle, and joint pain.
Biophoton light therapy - promotes the body's energy production and improves cell regeneration, reduces stress, improves sleep quality, and enhances skin condition.
Negative ions have a significant impact on mood, sleep, and appetite, as they naturally increase serotonin production in the body. The VITORI® crystal mat produces up to 7000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, enriching the air with anions, which under natural conditions can only be found in mountain or sea air.
The mat is filled with crystals that have naturally formed in nature over thousands of years, creating a sense of calm and harmony: purple amethyst, golden jadeite, yellow agate, green aventurine, blue chalcedony, light blue lapis lazuli, and red jasper.
5 min.
9.00 €
Phonophoresis is the use of ultrasound to deliver medications. During the procedure focal or reflexogenous zone are directly affected.
Magnet Therapy
20 min.
9.00 €
Magnet therapy is a method of subjecting the body to constant or alternating low frequency magnetic field. The magnetic field inhibits chronic inflammation and pain, dilates blood vessels, increases the flow of blood and improves tissue oxygenation, accelerates regeneration and wound healing. It also affects the blood coagulation system, lowers blood pressure and supports cardiac function. This procedure is recommended to patients with various systemic diseases.
BEMER Therapy
15-20 min.
9.00 €
BEMER therapy is used to improve microcirculation and natural self-regulatory processes. Better microcirculation leads to better supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells, tissues and organs, as well as more efficient removal of metabolic products. BEMER therapy stimulates the self-regulatory processes in human body that protect from free radicals, intensifies protein biosynthesis, has a positive effect on the immune system. This therapy is recommended for people, who are healthy, but exposed to stress to boost their immune health. It is also used in patients with chronic inflammatory degenerative diseases and circulatory disorders as well as a cure to improve wound healing.
Polarized Light Therapy
10 min.
9.00 €
This light uses a range of wavelengths from visible light to just warming infrared light spectrum. Bioptron light does not contain ultraviolet rays. Polarized light improves the transfer of energy through cell membranes, stimulates regenerative processes, activates cellular oxygenation. Polarized incoherent light directly affects the nerve endings and the entire nervous system. This procedure is used to fight fatigue, improve mood, relieve pain, treat skin conditions and post-surgical scars. It is also recommended for patients with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Colour therapy
10 min.
9.00 €
Colour therapy – light and colours are used to balance and strengthen the main energy centres in the body. Colour therapy focuses on holistic level, affecting our mind, body and spirit. Colour therapy can improve one‘s wellbeing, strengthen immunity, reduce fatigue and seasonal depression. Spreading into the body a colour can cause chemical reactions, which are responsible for different parts of the body and systems as well as their functions. A colour helps tissues and parts of the body to recover and restore energy, thus a body becomes more resilient.
Topical Cryotherapy
3-5 min.
9.00 €
Topical Cryotherapy  is a physical therapy method based on the stimulating effect of the exposure of human body surface to cold. Skin stimulation with cold improves peripheral blood flow, tissue oxygenation and metabolic processes, helps the muscles relax. Cold relieves pain and reduces inflammation. This therapy is used for reduction of pain syndrome and muscle spasm after musculoskeletal injuries (bruises, swelling, tendon, ligament sprains) and surgical interventions. It is also recommended for people with rheumatoid arthritis and neurological diseases.
D'arsonval therapy
10 min.
9.00 €
During the darsonvalization a discharge is produced between the electrode and the skin that impacts the patient. Micro impact waves are generated on the surface of skin accompanied by the characteristic crisp. Such waves irritate sensory receptors in subcutaneous tissues, activate skin microcirculation and increase skin elasticity. Electrical discharges improve blood circulation not only in the upper layers of the skin, but also in internal organs that are linked to reflexes in these areas. In addition, this discharge destroys the membranes of the microorganisms and therefore has an antiseptic effect. This therapy is used for treatment of nervous system disorders, to improve circulation and treat skin lesions as well as in patients with migraine.
5-15 min.
9.00 €

It is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment. Methods of treatment include electrical stimulation, diadinamotherapy, amplipuls therapy, interference currents. The effect of these procedures is determined by the pulse amplitude, frequency and duration, therefore some pulses are irritating and stimulating, the other – inhibiting and analgesic.  Electrical stimulation activates the function of the tissues and organs, improves their blood circulation, trains the muscles increasing their strength and endurance. It is used in the treatment of muscle weakness and poorly healing wounds, improvement of blood circulation in legs and pain reduction.

Diadinamotherapy (Bernard Currents) is characterized by analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and stimulating effects. This type of therapy is used in the treatment of neuralgia, radiculitis, improvement of peripheral circulation, after injuries.

Amplipuls therapy has a strong analgesic effect, improves blood circulation in tissues and reduces inflammation. This therapy is used to reduce joint pain caused by arthritis or arthrosis and relieve the back pain induced by osteochondrosis.

Interference currents therapy improves deep tissue metabolism and peripheral blood flow, which reduces inflammation and relieves pain. It is used in patients suffering from back, muscle and joint pain. 

During the procedure, pulsing-style massage improves circulation of blood and lymph, elimination of fluids, varnishes and toxins from the body, reduces swelling in limbs, improves muscle tone and tightens the skin. Compression therapy is a great preventive measure against leg weakness, pain, and swelling. This massage is recommended for treatment of lymphostasis caused by lymphatic incompetence or venous insufficiency.
Audiovisual Relaxation
30 min.
10.00 €

Nature views, matched with relaxing views or nature sounds, are shown during the relaxation. Audio and visual stimulants relax, improve mood, sleep, normalize brain activity and lower blood pressure.

Oxygen therapy
20 min.
10.00 €

Oxygen therapy – oxygen supply to the patient for therapy or prophylaxis. Oxygen is essential for life. We need the eighth element of the Mendeleev table constantly and much of it. The begining of human life on the Earth was marked with a large amount of oxygen in the atmosphere – then it made 38 -40 % of the atmospheric composition. Today it takes just 21% in wooded areas while only 19-20% in towns and buildings. To add more, this small amount of oxygen has different impurities of toxins. A person gets about 90% of necessary energy from the oxygen , which helps to acidify fat and make other processes happen. There are about 70 million cells in a human body and every of them is provided with the oxygen by blood. If this process was stopped at least for short time, an irreparable process would happen – the cells would die or mutate. Thus, the body‘s function would be destroyed.
Human body is unique and complicated. However, it cannot provide itself with a necessary amount of the oxygen. It is more likely to adapt itself to extreme situations. Adaptation can bring some serious troubles, Cells, which do not get enough amount of oxygen, adapt themselves to breathe the mixture with a small amount of oxygen. Insufficient amount of the oxygen in the body causes heart and oncological diseases, provoke mutational changes. A lot of town citizens suffer from hypoxia (shortage of the oxygen), which can appear with different symptoms: dizziness, rapid fatigue, bad sleep, poor memory, headaches, decrease in potency, weak immunity, depression attacks. Modern medicine offers a variety of different treatments, which enrich the body with oxygen, Treatment, using oxygen, improves oxygen supply to the cells, increases a number of white blood cells, eliminates toxins from the body, stimulates immunity system, helps to fight against blood vessel, blood circulation and join diseases and viruses of different origin, besides it improves the general state of the body, wellbeing, while increasing efficiency.

Binaural relaxation
30 min.
10.00 €
The binaural relaxation procedure combines two components: music with binaural frequencies and a special text. Audio frequencies in the recording help to synchronize brain activity by relaxing excessively tense areas. In this way, the body, emotional sphere and nervous system relax. The text you will hear during the treatment is based on the principles of autogenous training, self-hypnosis, and neurolinguistic programming. The result of this process is the harmonious functioning of both hemispheres of the brain, when both hemispheres of the brain act in unison and consistency. There are four binaural relaxation programs: deep relaxation, healing, classical music and point relaxation.
Salt Therapy Room
30 min.
12.00 €
Halotherapy is a highly effective method of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation in patients with respiratory tract disorders, skin conditions and allergic diseases. The main factor of halotherapy method is a highly dispersed dry sodium chloride aerosol that has broncholytic, mucolytic (i.e. stimulating the secretion of bronchi), anti-inflammatory properties and bactericidal effect on the respiratory system. After the treatment, drainage of secretions from the bronchial airways improves, patient coughs up easier, dry cough becomes less frequent and looser, immunity gets a boost. This treatment calms the nervous system and is suitable for prevention of thyroid diseases, because saline environments are rich in iodine.
Point foot massage is a pleasant way to relax and an effective way to improve health. Stimulates the most important points of the feet, improves blood circulation, relieves tension in the leg muscles. 
After the treatment you will feel lightness and improved well-being!
Dry water massage
20 min.
25.00 €
It is a non-contact massage, performed with water jets.
The particularly intense pressure of water massage effectively treats  various health disorders and is intended for people suffering from back, joint, muscle and whole body pain, tension and fatigue.
Effects of dry water massage: pain decreases, muscle tone normalizes. Besides, it improves blood circulation and metabolism, internal organ activity, sleep and emotional state.
Back massage with honey
30 min.
39.00 €
It is a great way to heal the diseases of spine, joints and lungs. Honey and its products (wax, pollens, etc.) suppresses inflammation, pain, improves provision oxygen for the tissues, keeps the tonus of muscles, promotes regeneration of the tissues and stimulates immune system, absorbs and removes the toxins from the skin, improves skin complexion. After the massage, circulatory system is improved, bronchial spasm are decreased, breath becomes deeper, calmer and slower. The massage releases body and removes fatigue.
It improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles, normalizes blood pressure, calms the nervous system, fights fatigue, increased sensitivity, stress and insomnia, reduces pain in the shoulder-neck region and dizziness, restores working capacity, improves mood, enhances physical and emotional health. The massage is recommended for people with hypertonic disease, cervical and thoracic radiculitis or osteochondrosis, arm pain, dystonia, shoulder joint inflammation, depression, as well as a preventive measure for people with sedentary jobs.
Therapeutic Massage
30 min.
39.00 €
Therapeutic massage is used in treatment of various diseases and restoring damaged body functions. The massage improves blood flow, lymph circulation and microcirculation, relaxes muscles, helps to reduce pain and inflammation, prevents contractures, increases joint and spine mobility, stimulates metabolism, tightens the skin, reduces the build-up subcutaneous adipose layer of toxins and water, helps to restore functioning and working capacity.

This type of technique involves massaging the whole body in a certain order.

This customizable massage improves blood circulation, elasticity of the  ligaments and joint flexibility, reduces spasms and pain, regulates various body functions, stimulates the endocrine glands and regenerative processes, restores working capacity, physical and mental human power.
Aerosol therapy has a general and topical effect. Inhalations help to improve and even normalize the barrier function of the ciliated epithelial cells, inhibit inflammatory and allergic tissue reactions, improve the smooth muscle tone in the bronchioles and external respiration. Furthermore, it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and cardiovascular activity. This treatment is recommended for treatment of airway inflammation, as well as for patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Back Massage for Children
15 min.
22.00 €
The Back Massage for Children is a soothing massage that relaxes tense muscles, and eliminates stress and fatigue.
This massage stimulates physical growth, mental activity, has a positive impact on metabolism, respiration and bloodstream, and improves immune system. The purpose of the massage is to reduce emotional tension and relax the body. The massage for children relaxes, reduces stress, calms and improves all body functions.
Is recommended for children from 5 to 12 years old.
Pine extract has antiseptic properties and lavender oil soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves cough. This treatment is recommended for treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections.
Propolis is a biologically active product. It is rich in vitamins, trace elements, essential amino acids, enzymes and minerals. Propolis has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune stimulant, disinfecting properties. It fights bacteria and viruses thus reducing inflammation and soothing sore throat, is efficient in treating respiratory infections and colds, disinfects the oral cavity, stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates healing of mouth ulcers and parodontosis. The treatment is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to improve the condition of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the mouth.
Calendula preparations have a soothing, antispasmodic, antiseptic and inflammation-inhibiting properties. After the treatment, drainage of secretions from the bronchial airways improves and cough becomes less severe. The treatment is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Salt Therapy Room
30 min.
12.00 €
Halotherapy is a highly effective method of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation in patients with respiratory tract disorders, skin conditions and allergic diseases. The main factor of halotherapy method is a highly dispersed dry sodium chloride aerosol that has broncholytic, mucolytic (i.e. stimulating the secretion of bronchi), anti-inflammatory properties and bactericidal effect on the respiratory system. After the treatment, drainage of secretions from the bronchial airways improves, patient coughs up easier, dry cough becomes less frequent and looser, immunity gets a boost. This treatment calms the nervous system and is suitable for prevention of thyroid diseases, because saline environments are rich in iodine.
This is a non-invasive test performed with an ultrasound machine. The test is extremely accurate because the image is monitored in real time. This test helps to diagnose cardiovascular diseases, assess the condition of the heart valves, the force of muscle contraction, determine the size of the heart cavities, and the thickness of the walls.
The test is only for adults.

Introducing a new test.
We recommend to have an ultrasound examination of the heart:
* when heart rhythm disorders occur,
* in case of repeated pains in the area of the heart,
* before surgical treatment along with general tests,
* monitoring the course of a certain cardiac disease, evaluating the effectiveness of treatment,
* for people aged 40 and older, whose family members suffer from cardiac diseases, such  test is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a year as a preventive measure,
*suspected congenital or acquired heart defects.

No special preparation is required for echocardiography

During an individual consultation the doctor /specialist will assess your health status and will set up an individual programme of  the most effective treatment procedures.

During an individual consultation the doctor /specialist will assess your health status and will set up an individual programme of  the most effective treatment procedures.

The Kinesiotherapist provides advice to people who have a poor posture and suffer from: degenerative diseases of the spine (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, radiculopathy); back, waist, shoulder and neck pain; muscular diseases, such as muscular dystrophy, myopathy, as well as in cases of muscle strain or pain; neurological disorders, such as post-stroke condition; after injuries – to restore lost functions and regain independence as soon as possible. The Kinesiotherapist also advises customers engaged in the rehabilitation programme at home following various diseases or injuries.

This is a non-invasive test performed with an ultrasound machine. The test is extremely accurate because the image is monitored in real time. This test helps to diagnose cardiovascular diseases, assess the condition of the heart valves, the force of muscle contraction, determine the size of the heart cavities, and the thickness of the walls.
The test is only for adults.

Introducing a new test.
We recommend to have an ultrasound examination of the heart:
* when heart rhythm disorders occur,
* in case of repeated pains in the area of the heart,
* before surgical treatment along with general tests,
* monitoring the course of a certain cardiac disease, evaluating the effectiveness of treatment,
* for people aged 40 and older, whose family members suffer from cardiac diseases, such  test is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a year as a preventive measure,
*suspected congenital or acquired heart defects.

No special preparation is required for echocardiography

Heart work assessment.

30 min.
25.00 €
Spirometry is a functional sample of the respiratory system. A functional state of the respiratory system, its disorders degree after recurrent acute diseases or chronic respiratory diseases is evaluated.

Resting or basal metabolic rate shows the amount of energy expended to maintain vital body functions while at rest. Basal metabolic rate is based on your age, gender, body composition, muscle mass and body fat as well as hormonal regulation. It is measured by the oxygen consumption rate and the amount of carbon dioxide produced while at rest and shows how many calories a day are consumed by the body to maintain vital functions. The basal metabolic measurement is important for individuals with increased and reduced body weight, for persons willing to change their dietary habits as well as athletes and healthy individuals. The basal metabolic measurement is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.

Identification of the problem; presentation of therapy plan; composition of therapeutic exercise programme.
VO2max measurement, offers a unique opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the body‘s metabolic, respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and psychosomatic response to exercise. It is an absolutely objective and comprehensive assessment of human physical condition.

Ultrasound Therapy
5 min.
9.00 €
Ultrasound procedure causes very complex physical and chemical processes in the tissues. The procedure improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, pain, swelling, muscle spasms, stimulates regeneration, softens and smoothes out the scars. Ultrasound therapy is used in patients with degenerative spine and joint diseases, delayed bone healing after fracture, if the patient has any scars, contractures, ligament sprains and inflammation, as well as after gynaecological and orthopaedic surgeries.
5 min.
9.00 €
Phonophoresis is the use of ultrasound to deliver medications. During the procedure focal or reflexogenous zone are directly affected.
Magnet Therapy
20 min.
9.00 €
Magnet therapy is a method of subjecting the body to constant or alternating low frequency magnetic field. The magnetic field inhibits chronic inflammation and pain, dilates blood vessels, increases the flow of blood and improves tissue oxygenation, accelerates regeneration and wound healing. It also affects the blood coagulation system, lowers blood pressure and supports cardiac function. This procedure is recommended to patients with various systemic diseases.
BEMER Therapy
15-20 min.
9.00 €
BEMER therapy is used to improve microcirculation and natural self-regulatory processes. Better microcirculation leads to better supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells, tissues and organs, as well as more efficient removal of metabolic products. BEMER therapy stimulates the self-regulatory processes in human body that protect from free radicals, intensifies protein biosynthesis, has a positive effect on the immune system. This therapy is recommended for people, who are healthy, but exposed to stress to boost their immune health. It is also used in patients with chronic inflammatory degenerative diseases and circulatory disorders as well as a cure to improve wound healing.
Application of Sapropelic
20 min.
18.00 €
Sapropelic mud is a type of sapropel that is formed in freshwater lakes. It contains a wide variety of trace elements (iron, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt etc.), vitamins, amino acids and other biologically active substances. Sapropelic mud has the ability to normalize various pathological changes in the body functions, it improves blood circulation in tissues and organs, boosts metabolism and immune health, relieves pain, stimulates the resorption of inflammatory foci and functioning of endocrine glands. Moreover, it moisturises the skin and protects it from drying and ageing. This application is recommended for treatment of locomotor and musculoskeletal system (joints, spine, muscles and ligaments) disorders, gastrointestinal tract diseases, skin conditions, gynaecological, urological and peripheral nervous system diseases.
Ginger essential oil is extracted by means of steam distillation from the ground-up root (rhizome) of ginger plant. It is a great aphrodisiac, characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger oil features warming qualities and has the ability to effectively reduce spasms, aid digestion and improve the metabolism. This essential oil boosts the immune system and facilitates the rehabilitation period after a disease, variety of injuries or surgeries
Lemon essential oil is widely used in the treatment of cellulite, because it effectively stimulates the blood flow and lymphatic circulation, elimination of fluids, varnishes and toxins from the body, production of collagen in the skin cells.  The treatment reduces the "Orange Peel" effect, tightens and moisturises the skin, helps to shape the body.
Topical Cryotherapy
3-5 min.
9.00 €
Topical Cryotherapy  is a physical therapy method based on the stimulating effect of the exposure of human body surface to cold. Skin stimulation with cold improves peripheral blood flow, tissue oxygenation and metabolic processes, helps the muscles relax. Cold relieves pain and reduces inflammation. This therapy is used for reduction of pain syndrome and muscle spasm after musculoskeletal injuries (bruises, swelling, tendon, ligament sprains) and surgical interventions. It is also recommended for people with rheumatoid arthritis and neurological diseases.
5-15 min.
9.00 €

It is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment. Methods of treatment include electrical stimulation, diadinamotherapy, amplipuls therapy, interference currents. The effect of these procedures is determined by the pulse amplitude, frequency and duration, therefore some pulses are irritating and stimulating, the other – inhibiting and analgesic.  Electrical stimulation activates the function of the tissues and organs, improves their blood circulation, trains the muscles increasing their strength and endurance. It is used in the treatment of muscle weakness and poorly healing wounds, improvement of blood circulation in legs and pain reduction.

Diadinamotherapy (Bernard Currents) is characterized by analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and stimulating effects. This type of therapy is used in the treatment of neuralgia, radiculitis, improvement of peripheral circulation, after injuries.

Amplipuls therapy has a strong analgesic effect, improves blood circulation in tissues and reduces inflammation. This therapy is used to reduce joint pain caused by arthritis or arthrosis and relieve the back pain induced by osteochondrosis.

Interference currents therapy improves deep tissue metabolism and peripheral blood flow, which reduces inflammation and relieves pain. It is used in patients suffering from back, muscle and joint pain. 

Thyroid testing program
15 min.
29.00 €

The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate metabolism. Thyroid function is directly related to the central nervous system, and possible disorders are caused by increased fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, and other unpleasant sensations. Accurately knowing the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland and other indicators we can objectively assess the main risks to thyroid function and minimize them.

Tests: Thyrotropin (TTH); Free triiodothyronine (LT3); Free thyroxine (LT4); Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (ATPO).

Anemia testing program
15 min.
42.00 €
Anemia is a common cause of increased fatigue. Decreased levels of hemoglobin or red blood cells impair the blood's ability to carry oxygen, making the tissues under-supplied. This can lead to feelings of weakness, tiredness, drowsiness, even apathy and a reluctance to take anything. The causes of the ailments and their solutions can be found by clarifying the main indicators of the risk of anemia.

Tests: General blood test (22 parameters); Ferritin; Vitamin B12; Folic acid; Iron (Fe).
Our body is a complex system that can function effectively even when some part of it begins to limp. True, not all ailments or lack of substances are necessary so that the body can be recognized by the senses alone. Persistent fatigue, increased emotional irritability, recurrent pain, or a feeling of discomfort can betray that our body needs extra attention. A program for general examination of the body will help better to understand that we should be more concerned about what we could exacerbate, or how to prevent more serious ailments.

Tests: General blood test (22 parameters); Glucose; Alanine transaminase (ALT); Asparagine transaminase (AST); Creatinine (CREA) + glomerular filtration rate; Thyrotropin (TTH); Total cholesterol (CHOL); High Density Cholesterol (HDL); Low Density Cholesterol (LDL); Triglycerides (TG); Vitamin D; Magnesium (Mg); Potassium (K).
Extensive testing of the whole organism makes it possible to measure even more important parameters of the organism and to understand the causes or risks of perceived ailments that should be taken into account. Sometimes we do not even notice the first warning signs that the body is already deviating from the norm, but by timely diagnosis of the weakest parts of the body or lack of vitamins or minerals and other substances, we can prevent more serious ailments and take effective prevention.

Tests: General blood test (22 parameters); Ferritin; C reactive protein (CRB); Glucose; Alanine transaminase (ALT); Asparagine transaminase (AST); Creatinine (CREA) + glomerular filtration rate; Thyrotropin (TTH); Total cholesterol (CHOL); High Density Cholesterol (HDL); Low Density Cholesterol (LDL); Triglycerides (TG); Vitamin D; Calcium (Ca); Magnesium (Mg); Electrolytes (Potassium, Sodium, Cl); Vitamin B12; Urea (UREA); Iron (Fe).
​The liver and pancreas perform one of the most vital functions of the body. The absorption of vitamins and the breakdown of proteins depend on the activity of the liver, and when this activity is disrupted, the body can no longer remove toxins, the immune system is weakened, metabolism and other diseases develop. A thorough examination is recommended to detect early and often asymptomatic changes in liver function, to starts t prophylaxis or timely treatment.

Tests: Pancreatic alpha-amylase (P-AMY); Alkaline phosphatase (ALP); Alanine transaminase (ALT); Asparagine transaminase (AST); General blood test (22 parameters); C reactive protein (CRB); Direct bilirubin (BIL-D); Total bilirubin (BIL-T); Indirect bilirubin; Calcium (Ca); Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT); Glucose; Lipase (LIP); Antibodies to hepatitis C virus (Anti-HCV); Detection of hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg); Magnesium; Urea (UREA); Creatinine (CREA).


Immunity testing program
15 min.
59.00 €

This program is designed to better understand your body’s readiness to fight a variety of infections, colds, and other diseases that could be overcome with strong immunity. The body's resistance depends on many factors and the substances necessary for  the body. However, majority of them can be  measured, monitored and controlled.

Tests: General blood test (22 parameters); C reactive protein (CRB); Vitmin B12; Vitamin D; Ferritin; Iron (Fe); Folic acid.

​If you are concerned about possible cardiovascular problems, especially if you have a family history of such ailments, it is a good idea not to wait and monitor your health for the system and look for signs of risk early. Timely and successful preventive or curative measures can be taken if cardiovascular insufficiency, lack of necessary substances or other changes are detected in a timely manner.

Tests: General blood test (22 parameters); C reactive protein (CRB); Glucose; Total cholesterol (CHOL); High Density Cholesterol (HDL); Low Density Cholesterol (LDL); Triglycerides (TG); Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c); Homocysteine; Apoliprotein B; Lipoprotein A; Albumin (ALB); Electrolytes (Potassium, Sodium, Cl); Magnesium; Urea (UREA); Creatinine (CREA).

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